Throughout a man's lifetime, he could develop a common skin condition called Pearly Penile Papules, also known as PPP. Statistics have shown that one in every four men will get this condition.
Dr. William Groff, a board certified dermatologist, is the leading expert in pearly penile papules successfully treating over 4500 patients. Dr. Groff wants to empower men with factual information about this skin condition. Knowledge is power! Once men understand the facts about pearly penile papules, then men can make an informed decision whether to have their pearly penile papules treated. Men do not have to be victimized by this skin condition when there is a effective, quick, simple and painless treatment available to permanently resolve this condition.
What are Pearly Penile Papules (PPP)?
Pearly Penile Papules (PPP), scientific name 'Hirsuties Coronae Glandis', are flesh-colored or white small dome-shaped bumps or skin tags that form around the rim of the penis and often times on the frenulum. They commonly appear in rows around the circumference of the penis and look like a string of pearls. The causes for this skin condition are unknown. However, we do know that this skin condition is more common in uncircumcised men in their twenties and thirties. Pearly penile papules are benign growths and are not a sexually transmitted disease (STD). This condition is harmless and has no health risks, so treating pearly penile papules are not necessary and is strictly optional. However, although pearly penile papules are not harmful to a man's physical health, some men with pearly penile papules may experience a great deal of anxiety and psychological stress concerning the appearance of their penis.
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When Should Pearly Penile Papules Be Treated?
When bumps appear on your penis, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor. There are many genital conditions like genital warts that can resemble and be mistaken for pearly penile papules PPP so it is best to have a doctor diagnose your condition. Whatever you do, do not ignore bumps or any unusual changes on your penis. These pearly penile papules pictures may offer you some help with self-diagnosis but your self diagnosis should be confirmed by a doctor. A doctor can give you an accurate diagnosis for your condition and identify alternative treatments if needed.
Once you know for sure you have pearly penile papules, then you can decide if you want to treat your condition. While pearly penile papules are harmless and pose no risk to a man's physical health, they often have a psychological impact on men. Many men are concerned with the appearance of their penis in intimate situations. Some men fear that their sexual partners may confuse pearly penile papules with a sexually transmitted disease. There is no need to live with the embarrassment or self-consciousness that may accompany pearly penile papules. You can rid yourself of this condition in one simple, non invasive treatment. The carbon dioxide CO2 laser treatment is the best and most effective method of treatment to remove pearly penile papules. This treatment is safe and painless. There are many home remedy internet scams that claim to be able to eliminate pearly penile papules. These home remedies do NOT work on this skin condition. The only proven method to remove pearly penile papules is through a CO2 laser treatment. If your pearly penile papules becomes a problem to your social life or self-esteem, find a board certified dermatologist who can remove them.
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Why Choose Dr. Groff?
As with everything in life, experience matters when it comes to treating your pearly penile papules PPP. Would you hire a mechanic to fix your Ferrari, if the mechanic only had experience fixing a VW bug? In the same way, if you decide to treat your pearly penile papules, you want to find a board certified dermatologist well trained with extensive experience using the latest generation carbon dioxide CO2 laser to remove your pearly penile papules. Just like with any medical procedure, the skill and experience of the doctor is paramount to the success of your pearly penile papules treatment.
Dr. William Groff, is a board certified dermatologist and is the leading expert in pearly penile papules treatment. Dr. Groff has also been recognized as a world renowned PPP Specialist by his peers. For over 20 years, Dr. Groff has successfully treated over 4500 men suffering from pearly penile papules. These men have come from all over the USA and around the world to seek his expertise in this area. In fact, Dr. Groff has performed more laser treatments for pearly penile papules than any other dermatologist in the world. Dr. Groff's patients are universally happy with the results of this CO2 laser treatment.
Dr. Groff has been featured on the nationally televised show, The Doctors, for his expertise on pearly penile papules and demonstrated how a carbon dioxide CO2 laser can completely remove the papules with one treatment. Dr. Groff understands how difficult it is for a patient to talk about this situation so his goal is to make you as comfortable as possible. Dr. Groff is ready to help you treat your pearly penile papules. If you think that you may be suffering from pearly penile papules, schedule an in-person or virtual consultation today. Dr. Groff has the Experience You Can Trust.
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Watch Dr. Groff demonstrate how the CO2 laser works.
In this video, a 40 year old patient is having a free consultation concerning his pearly penile papules (PPP). The patient has suffered embarrassment for years and has never had the courage to address his condition. Dr. Groff addresses his concerns and discusses the CO2 laser treatment procedure. Dr. Groff also demonstrates how the Lumenis UltraPulse Encore CO2 laser works.
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Dr. Groff has been honored with numerous Awards recognizing his Excellence in Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Surgery. Most recently, Dr. Groff's patients voted him the winner in the San Diego’s Best U-T Readers Poll for being the BEST Cosmetic Dermatologist and BEST Cosmetic Surgeon in all of San Diego for 7 consecutive years.
![Dr William Groff: 2023 winner of Best Dermatologist - San Diego best1](/ppptreatment/images/2024-best-of-derm.png)
![Dr William Groff: 2023 winner of Best Cosmetic Surgeon - San Diego best2](/ppptreatment/images/2024-best-of-surgeon.png)
Along with these prestigious Awards, Dr. Groff has achieved national recognition by winning for "5" consecutive years the Aesthetic Everything® Awards for Top Aesthetic Doctor, Top Dermatologist West, and Top Body Sculpting Doctor. He has also been recognized throughout the USA as America's Most Honored Doctor 2023-Top 1% and most recently, named 2024 Top Doctor by Castle Connolly Medical for the 14th consecutive year.
![Dr William Groff: 2021 Top Aesthetic Doctor misc3](/ppptreatment/images/ae-2021.png)
![Dr William Groff: 2023 Ammericas Most Honored misc2](/ppptreatment/images/2023-most-honored.png)
![Dr William Groff: 2024 Top Doctor Dermatology misc1](/ppptreatment/images/top-doctor-2024-blue.png)